A Tribute to Pastor Garry Remus

On Sunday, June 14, 2015, Pastor Garry Remus finished his race on this earth and went to be with his beloved Lord Jesus for his eternal reward. He was the founding pastor and long time spiritual director of Bethesda Renewal Fellowship. He faithfully planted and cared for a garden at Bethesda Renewal Centre every year though the plots have been getting smaller of late. Summer savoury was a favourite crop. More importantly, he faithfully planted God’s word in many hearts here and regularly graced us with his loving presence, powerful prayers, and Godly wisdom. He has run the race marked out for him well with his eyes fixed on Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of faith.

We are blessed to have been pastored and mentored by him and to continue providing this place of prayer and healing that he loved so much, in honour of his memory.

Attached are some photos of the early days at Bethesda 1979 and early eighties.

Pastor Garry’s memorial service will be held at All Saints Lutheran Church (1061 Pinecrest Rd Ottawa, ON K2B 6B7) this Saturday (June 20th) starting at 2:30pm with a reception afterwards. It will be a time of worship and fellowship; just as Garry wanted.

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